Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Aquapub

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Make your Internet Speed 20% Faster
Make Your INTERNET SPEED 20% Faster - video powered by Metacafe
This only works on Win XP Pro. It really works. I've been using it for years, some time it goes over 20% faster
China to ban tobacco marketing within four years?

It's estimated that there are 300 million avid smokers in China, more than the entire population of the U.S. With that fact comes an intense focus of international health concerns, but banning tobacco marketing in four years seems too short a timeframe from my viewpoint, although I applaud it heavily.
Perhaps China does not want to see a cigarette-smoking epidemic alongside its rapidly growing economy after watching an obesity epidemic explode in the U.S. recently.
Sugar found to be more addictive than cocaine

The 10 Most caffeinated diet sodas

If you are watching your caffeine intake, it's worth noting that most diet versions of their regular counterparts contain more caffeine. Though it's not the highest content among all diet drinks, Diet Coke has 30% more caffeine that regular Coke! To get an idea of how much of a difference there is, and to see how the diet sodas stack up against each other, Diet Blog has put together a list of the 10 Most Caffeinated Diet Drinks. Number one? Pepsi Max, with 69 mg of caffeine. As a reference point, 1 tsp of instant coffee powder has 57 mg of caffeine.
Of course, if you're "dieting," then you might actually appreciate that extra caffeine.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The King Is Dead: The Truth About Elvis

Elvis Presley died 30 years ago on Aug. 16. End of story.
He did not fake his death. He did not enter the witness protection program. He does not troll the nation's back roads for cheeseburgers.
He died. And he died precisely because he trolled the nation's back roads for cheeseburgers or some comparable artery-clogging delicacy. At least that was the essential conclusion of the autopsy performed on Presley back in 1977.
You know, when he died.
For the hard to convince, Find a Death has the two-page autopsy report (page 1, page 2), which cites cardiovascular disease teamed with cardiac arrhythmia as the cause of death. The report can be found on other sites as well, but Find a Death gets points for posting a PDF version that's pretty easy to read, and even more points for translating the stuff that's not at all easy to read (like the cause of death). Suffice to say, the Tennessee medical examiner who signed the report, one Dr. Jerry Francisco, suffered from a bad, bad case of illegible handwriting.
Among the report tidbits that can be readily deciphered: Elvis died in the dressing room, unclothed and, per the checked box on page one, uncircumcised. As far as we can tell, there's no mention of drugs, 'nana sandwiches, and the bathroom, which later accounts would peg as the death scene. If this doesn't jibe with what we know of Elvis' final days today, keep in mind, Francisco was on a quick turnaround schedule, releasing the initial autopsy findings on the night of Presley's death.
Yes, the night of his death.
Sorry about that.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The $40,000 iPod Shuffle

But if you're going to do it then do it all out, right? How about $40,000 worth of 'all out?' Because that's how much this pretty little diamond and gold coated iPod will run you. And for that price no detail is overlooked -- there's even diamonds and gold on the earbuds.